Let's Swim Upstream!
Have you dreamt of being successful in life? Do you fantasize about having a great house to live in, a great vehicle to travel in, position, money, power etc.. I'm sure all of you have! Every individual wants to be successful. But, they only dream of the goals they want to achieve or places they want to go. They only have their eyes set on the results but not on the path that must be walked on to get it.
In my life, I learned and experienced several things about achieving success in the right manner. Today, through this blog, I would like to share one of those learnings with you all.
In today’s generation, we all want to copy each other. Let’s be honest about it. None of us want to think unique or do stuff that separates us from others. The lazy creature in us just doesn’t want to think out of the box. For example, most of the people in India especially, think that having a successful career is only possible either by becoming a doctor or an engineer. There are very few people who let their kids follow their passion but then, comes the society which will start judging them ignoring the fact that there have been great artists, cricketers, musicians and some of them being their favourites.
This is what I call the ‘Herd Mentality’. We all are following others without thinking and then, getting the same results as them. There is just no difference! However, even if one person does something unique, he may face a lot of troubles and get hit by a lot of obstacles but eventually, he will grow up and stand out. That is how you can climb the ladder of success, by following a simple rule ‘Swim Upstream’.
This thought came into my mind when I was watching a video of Mother Ganga. In the video, I noticed the currents in the river and imagined someone swimming upstream. It would be such a difficult task! Poor soul would get hurt with so many rocks and boulders. That is when I thought that it would be similar for people trying to achieve success by just having a different approach to life. And to prove that, we have a living example among us. Can you take a guess? Yes, you are right! Elon Musk! The person who has done and is still achieving the impossible. He doesn’t care what the world thinks of him.
I have learned from him that first the world will envy you, judge you, and try to pull you down in all ways but once you have accomplished a milestone, the same world will be amazed at your skills and start following your footsteps.
So dear reader, go and get out of your comfort zone, talk to people who have greater knowledge, work with them, learn from their experiences, make mistakes, learn from them and just keep on hustling. Gradually, I believe that one day you will get to the place you always wanted to be and shine like a bright twinkling star!
So that’s it! I hope this motivates you to follow your passion. Do let me know your thoughts on this and I’ll see you in my next blog. Till then...
Learn, Share, Grow.
Bye! 😊